2 min readJan 12, 2021


Photo by Pina Messina

New Credit Transfer Program for Health Care Master’s Degrees

WGU Invests in Expanding the Health Care Workforce

By K. L. Allen — Chancellor, WGU Ohio

As a non-profit university founded by state governors, WGU’s public service education mission is at its core. That’s why one of our responses to the pandemic has been to help build the health care workforce by expanding the transfer credits we will accept from other institutions for students pursuing master’s degrees in nursing and health leadership.

By making it easier for experienced health care professionals to earn an advanced degree, more leaders with advanced medical experience and training will be available to take on the challenges our country is currently facing. It is one step WGU can take to help combat the pandemic and equip our country with the skilled workforce to help us combat future public health crises.

Accepting more existing credit hours that students bring from other institutions will reduce the amount of tuition that WGU could potentially collect by as much as $2,500 per student. We view this investment as essential to the greater good of the country and the health care leadership workforce, however. It is, quite frankly, a sacrifice we believe is important to make.

Learn more about the details of WGU’s credit transfer policies for health leadership programs here.

Knowledge is helping us get through the pandemic, it will help us get back on our feet after it and it will help us face future crises more effectively. WGU is committed to helping build and spread that knowledge.




Dr. K.L. Allen is the current Chancellor for Western Governors University Ohio Affiliate (WGU Ohio).