2 min readDec 29, 2020


Photo by Clay Banks

The Best New Year’s Resolution for 2021: Up-Skill Your Career

After what we’ve all been through in 2020, I’m sure most Ohioans are ready to turn the page to 2021. We’re all looking forward to a brighter, healthier, and more prosperous year ahead, which adds an extra layer of importance to the resolutions we’ll be making this New Year’s Eve when the clock strikes 12.

In normal times, our resolutions may be nothing more than passing fancies, sure to have melted away as quickly as snowdrifts by spring. But of course, this New Year is by no means normal. New Year’s Eve gives us a chance to restart our lives after long months of lockdown, uncertainty, and gloom. And that calls for resolutions that will pay us back with long-term dividends and earn the most rewarding return on our investments of time, money, and effort.

So for many working-age Ohioans, the perfect resolution would be a commitment to upgrading their education and career skills. These are the lasting tools that will advance an existing career or open paths to a new one.

Every day I see the way thousands of Ohioans are already doing that. Nonprofit, online-only WGU Ohio is expressly designed for the needs of adult learners, most with full-time jobs and family obligations, who nevertheless have resolved to earn their accredited bachelor’s or master’s degrees as a way to move ahead in their careers.

What better way to ring in the New Year than by resolving to gain new skills or a new degree to increase your career prospects and earning power? And what better way to prepare yourself for success in an increasingly competitive job market where technical skills and advanced training are more essential than ever before?




Dr. K.L. Allen is the current Chancellor for Western Governors University Ohio Affiliate (WGU Ohio).